Online event application process
We have made it easier than ever to plan your festival or event with The City of Calgary. Our new online system is integrated into the City's myID online service so you can manage the entire application process through one convenient portal.
Why use a new system?
This upgrade streamlines everything from submitting your application to receiving approvals, making the process more efficient and user-friendly. Say goodbye to paperwork and delays — our new system ensures faster, clearer communication and helps get your event off the ground with ease!
Festival and event applications must be submitted at least 90 days before the event. For annual events, event opportunity forms are typically due by mid-November for the following year.
What do I need to submit an event?
Festival and event applications are accepted throughout the year. The following are required to be able to submit a festival or event to the City:
- The festival or event organizer must
- be a registered legal entity in good standing as a not-for-profit, charitable or commercial organization, or business improvement area
- have a City of Calgary myID account.
- The festival or event must be more than 90 days away.
- The festival and event manual has been reviewed.
- The Festival and Event Policy has been reviewed.
Contact the Event Services team.
Event submission steps
Click here to log in.
If you don't have a myID account, learn how to create one.
For even better management, we recommend setting up a myID business account. This allows you to manage access for others in your organization and control who views and manages your business's event applications.
Click the "New Event Opportunity" button.
The Event Opportunity Form provides The City of Calgary with all the essential details of your proposed festival or event.
It may take up to 15 business days to receive a decision from the Festival and Events team.
You can access the application package from the link sent to you through email or through the event portal (detailed instructions are below).
You can continue/complete the application package later. The system will automatically save your progress.
You must upload the required documents to the system, including the site map, Emergency Response Plan, etc.
You can upload files after the set deadlines until the event has occurred. Please see Appendix E in the Festival and Events Manual for specific deadlines.
The Festival and Events team will contact you shortly after your application is submitted, but it may take up to 15 business days to receive the approval.
At this stage, your event status in the portal will show "Planning." Additional documents may be required, and depending on the complexity of the event, approval may take longer.
Once your event permits have been issued, the Service Standard Agreement signed and City services have been scheduled, your event status in the portal will show "Approved."
How to use the portal
How to access the Festival and Events portal
Through the Festival and Events portal
- Go to the Festival and Events portal.
- You will be prompted to log in to your myID account.
Through the myID dashboard
- Once logged in to your myID account, go to your myID dashboard.
- Scroll down and click "Open a service"
- Click "Festival and Events Portal" under the Parks and Recreation section.
In the portal, you will see a list of submitted and past events.
How to submit a new Event Opportunity Form
To submit a new event, click the "New Event Opportunity" button on the top right.
My Event Opportunity Form has been approved. How do I access the application package?
To access the application package after an Event Opportunity Form is approved, click "Edit Application Package" from the drop-down menu under the event's "Status" tab.
How to make edits and resubmit a declined Event Opportunity Form or application
To edit a declined Event Opportunity Form or application, click "Edit Event Opportunity" or "Edit Application Package" from the drop-down menu under your event's "Status" tab.
What are the application statuses and what do they mean?
- EOF Submitted: Your Event Opportunity Form has been submitted. It may take up to 15 business days for your submission to be reviewed.
- EOF Declined: Your Event Opportunity Form has been declined and needs to be edited and resubmitted.
- Application Package Required: Your Event Opportunity Form has been approved. You must complete the application package.
- Application Package Submitted: Your application package has been submitted. It may take up to 15 business days for your submission to be reviewed.
- Application Package Declined: Your application package has been declined and needs to be resubmitted.
- Planning: Your application package has been approved. You can proceed with planning the event.
- Approved: Your event has completed the planning stage, all City requirements have been met, and it can now take place.
- Post-event Report Required: The event has occurred. The Event Services team will contact you regarding the post-event form.
- Post-event Report Submitted: The post-event form has been submitted. It may take up to 15 business days for your submission to be reviewed.
- Closed: The event has been invoiced and all tasks have been completed.
How to upload/add documents to your application package
To upload/add documents to your application package, click "Add Additional Files" from the drop-down menu under your event's "Status" tab.
I can't see my events in the Festival and Events portal
Your event is connected to the email address you provided on your Event Opportunity Form.
How do I check the email address on my myID account?
- Once logged in to your myID account, go to your myID dashboard.
- Click "Account" (found on the top-right section of the page).
- Click "Edit profile" under the My Profile section.
- The email address linked to the myID account will be listed on the page.
My event was submitted using a different email address.
You can do either of the following:
- Send a request to add the other email address to your account.
- Create a new myID account using the other email address.
What do I do after the event?
Make payment
The Event Services team will provide a consolidated invoice to the event organizer for all City services used by the festival or event within 60 days following the event. Payment must be made within 30 days of the invoice date.
Submit post-event report
The Event Services team will contact the organizer regarding the post-event report within 60 days of the event.
Festival & Events Team post-event review
Using an evaluation tool, the Event Services team will provide a review to determine event compliance.
The review considers the following:
- Documents submitted: These may include, but are not limited to, the site map, event application package, emergency response plan, building permits, Parks power plan and post-event report.
- Site impacts: These may include, but are not limited to, the site not being cleaned after the event, damage to the site caused by negligence or carelessness and deliberate disrespect of City property.
- Safety concerns and non-compliance: These may include, but are not limited to, major insurance delays, the deliberate ignoring of direction from City business units and discrimination, harassment or disrespect of City staff by the event organizer or staff.
- Repeat occurrences of any of the above.
Cancelling an event
The event organizer may cancel the event for any reason before it starts. If you wish to cancel the event, contact your event liaison.
Event cancellation terms and conditions
If the event is cancelled or postponed, the event organizer will be responsible for any costs incurred by The City up to the time of cancellation or postponement.
The City reserves the right to modify or cancel the event at any time for the following reasons, or if there are reasonable grounds to believe that:
- The event poses a risk to the health or safety of any person.
- The event poses a risk of property damage.
- The event violates any applicable law.
- The event violates any conditions outlined in Schedules "C" or "D" of the Service Standard Agreement.
- The City is unable to provide the site or requested City services requested.
- The event is not in the public interest.