Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

Social Media, Media Relations and Public Statements Policy

Social Media,

Media Relations and Public Statements Policy

Quick links:

About the policy

With conversations about The City happening 24/7 on multiple channels, it’s more important than ever that our organization communicate with One Voice. As City employees, our behaviour is held to a higher standard. While most City employees are not designated spokespeople, this policy provides you with a better understanding of your role as a City ambassador when interacting with media, making public statements, or using social media for work or personal use. This policy is an extension of The City’s value of individual responsibility and collective accountability and will help:

  • Protect The City’s reputation.
  • Promote consistency and professionalism in how employees interact with media and members of the public.
  • Provide clarity and standards for both City and personal use of social media.
  • Provide clarity about making public statements on behalf of The City.
  • Help protect employee reputations.


  • You are accountable for your personal use of social media in the same way you are accountable for your off-duty conduct.
  • Spokespersons must be designated by the Director of Customer Service & Communications and complete the required training.
  • If you are approached by media, please direct all inquiries to The City’s 24-hour Media Relations line via 311.

Questions about this policy?

Talk to your supervisor or business unit communicator.

Policy download

Download the full policy.

Frequently asked questions

When I'm not at work, can I post anything I want on my social media accounts?

As City employees, our behaviour is held to a higher standard. What we say, write or post on any public forum has an impact on the citizens of Calgary and how we work with each other.

While you may express your views as a private citizen, you are accountable for your personal use of social media in the same way you are accountable for other off-duty conduct. If you engage in public criticism that is detrimental to The City’s legitimate business interests or reputation, you are violating your duty of loyalty as a public servant.

What is considered a public statement?

The City defines a public statement as anything an employee says, writes or posts on a public forum that relates to The City, City business or employees. Public forums include: Council or Committee presentations; community forums (open houses, information sessions and engagement events); media interviews; online or print forums; and social media posts.

Where should I direct calls from the media?

If you're not a designated City spokesperson, please direct media inquiries to The City's 24-hour media relations line via 311.

Policy resources
