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Utility relocation construction in Victoria Park.

General philosophy

Ensuring public safety in areas impacted by Green Line construction is a major responsibility. Our goal is to minimize the impact on the public and maintain their ability to get around the city while ensuring their safety.

Specific ways we are addressing safety 

There are several steps we are taking to protect the public during construction:

  • Green Line and its contractors are working with City Mobility to ensure all traffic alterations and impacts are approved and designed appropriately and are as accessible as possible for all citizens.
  • Contractors are ensuring they install fencing to separate and protect the public from construction sites.
  • When appropriate, Green Line communicates with the public and impacted businesses when major road or sidewalk closures are upcoming to ensure the public can plan to take alternate routes.
  • Contractors are ensuring construction signage is clear to maintain pedestrian wayfinding.
  • Each construction site will have checklists that anyone working on the project can use to help identify issues immediately so corrective actions can be taken.

Numbers at a glance

Leading indicators 2024
Toolbox meetings 949
Safety meetings 118
Orientations 515
Inspections 253
Hazardous conditions identified 145
Corrective actions completed 145
Hazard assessments 3,226

How we learn as we move forward

Safety is constantly changing on any major infrastructure project, with different scopes of work happening at different times and presenting different challenges depending on the environment. 

Green Line has a robust safety record to date and a comprehensive process for what we refer to as “lessons learned.” These lessons typically come from what we refer to as “near misses,” where an incident did not occur, but it could have. By learning what happened and investigating the circumstances around the near miss, we can share the details with all relevant project personnel so everyone can learn going forward.

We have had a great response to this initiative and believe it improves our safety culture as we move further along in this project.

Safety in the community

Green Line is actively working with communities where work is taking place to ensure safety is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. A recent example of this is in Ogden, where the Green Line team recognized an opportunity to involve the children living and going to school near the site in our safety messaging.

To achieve this, members of the Community Relations and Safety team visited Ogden elementary schools to host safety assemblies and organized a poster contest to promote construction safety and encourage safe practices around construction zones.

It is vital for everyone to prioritize safety around construction sites, and the Green Line team will continue taking on opportunities where we can involve the community and make our sites safer.

Drawing from a student showing a construction site near houses saying "Do not enter, construction zone!"

Safety drawing from a student in Ogden.

Elementary school safety drawings

Drawing from student with construction materials saying "Safety on the site. Look out for piles of dirt. Don't jump into the holes. No playing in the site."
Drawing from student with three scenes showing safety. 1. "Look both left and right before crossing the street." 2. "If your ball rolls to the streets, don't get it and just let it run over because you can buy a new ball, but not a new life." 3. "Don't go into the construction area, just because you think it looks fun. If you see the fence is broken, make sure to tell a construction worker nearby so they can fix it."
Drawing from a student of a neighbourhood beside a construction site with the text "Stop at the red light if you don't want brick on your head."
Drawing from a student of a construction site with a construction worker in an excavator and another construction worker in the foreground with "Be Safe" written in the sky.
Drawing from a student with Safety written in the center, a person walking across the sidewalk and the words "use the crosswalk safely and look both ways before crossing", an under construction sign with equipment saying "if you see any construction zone signs, stay away from that area!" and a train on a tracks with the words "this is the CTrain that will be built in Calgary!"
Drawing from a student of a construction site a excavator and a individual who has fallen in a hole with the message "Be careful around construction. You don't want to get hurt."
Drawing from a student with the message "Taking care of our neighbourhood. Don't be mean to the Green Line. Follow these rules. 1. Keep young children away from construction hazards. 2. Be aware of your surroundings. 3. Listen to construction signs! For more information go to Stay safe!" There is a drawing of a construction worker with safety equipment.
Drawing from a student of a child playing with a ball in front of a construction vehicle with the message "Stay alert of the LRT. You can get a new ball, but not a new you."
Drawing from a student of a red sign with the words "Do not enter" in front of construction vehicles.
Drawing from a student of a yellow caution sign with the message "Caution. Construction in progress".
Drawing from a student of a train on the tracks approaching a tunnel with the message "Warning construction ahead for the Green Line".
Drawing from a student of a construction site with construction equipment and workers near a track.
Drawing from a student of construction signs including "Road work ahead", "Under construction", "No playing area" and "Danger construction area keep out!" with a green train and tracks.
Drawing from a student with trains on a track in front of a hill with flowers and construction signs saying "Construction Zone".
Drawing from a student with a orange train and signs in the sky saying "Don't walk in front of the train", "Road work ahead".
Drawing from a student with a train track and yellow sign saying "Construction zone".