Get an estimate and breakdown of your property tax bill and learn how we invest your property tax dollars to deliver the municipal services Calgarians value and use every day. 

Your assessment value is mailed each January. Visit Assessment Search to obtain your assessment value online. For questions about your assessment, call 403-268-2888.

Percentages must add up to 100%.

Percentages must add up to 100%.

Tax Value
2025 Municipal Taxes  
2025 Provincial Taxes - Excluding Budget Changes  
2025 Total Taxes (estimate*)  
$ Change from 2020 to 2021 (estimate*)  
% Change from 2020 to 2021 (estimate*)  
Updated March 23: This calculation includes the 2021 Municipal Property tax rate set by City Council on March 22 and the 2021 provincial tax rate provided by the Government of Alberta. *This calculation is an estimation based on your property's assessment. Your 2021 Property Tax bill, mailed at the end May 2021, may include additional factors changing the total amount owed.

Where do my residential property tax dollars go?

The property tax you pay is your investment in making Calgary a great place to live and a great place to make a life. Below is an estimated breakdown of where your City tax dollars go to deliver City services.
Service name Percentage (%) Tax amount Breakdown
Provincial education tax
34.0% 0 dollars and
Bylaws and Public Safety 19.10% 0 dollars and
Police Services
11.07% 0 dollars and
Fire & Emergency Response
6.42% 0 dollars and
Calgary 9-1-1
0.89% 0 dollars and
Bylaw Education and Compliance
0.29% 0 dollars and
Fire Inspection & Enforcement
0.19% 0 dollars and
Emergency Management & Business Continuity
0.11% 0 dollars and
Pet Ownership
0.12% 0 dollars and
Fire Safety Education
0.03% 0 dollars and
Transportation 13.82% 0 dollars and
Public Transit
7.73% 0 dollars and
3.83% 0 dollars and
Sidewalks & Pathways
1.24% 0 dollars and
Specialized Transit
1.03% 0 dollars and
Taxi, Limousine & Vehicles-for-Hire
0.00% 0 dollars and
0.00% 0 dollars and
Enabling Services 8.04% 0 dollars and
Facility Management
1.63% 0 dollars and
IT Solutions and Support
1.66% 0 dollars and
Human Resources Support
0.80% 0 dollars and
Financial Support
0.76% 0 dollars and
Corporate Security
0.36% 0 dollars and
Executive Leadership
0.39% 0 dollars and
Organizational Health, Safety & Wellness
0.39% 0 dollars and
Corporate Governance
0.71% 0 dollars and
Data Analytics and Information
0.36% 0 dollars and
Mayor and Council
0.43% 0 dollars and
Legal Counsel and Advocacy
0.30% 0 dollars and
Procurement and Warehousing
0.27% 0 dollars and
Infrastructure Support
0.30% 0 dollars and
Council and Committee Support
0.07% 0 dollars and
City Auditor's Office
0.08% 0 dollars and
Municipal Elections
0.05% 0 dollars and
Insurance and Claims
0.03% 0 dollars and
Fleet Management
0.00% 0 dollars and
Contribution to Capital Investments 9.28% 0 dollars and
Other (Pay-As-You-Go)
3.31% 0 dollars and
Green Line
2.05% 0 dollars and
Lifecycle Maintenance
1.98% 0 dollars and
Community Infrastructure
1.14% 0 dollars and
Debt Servicing
0.81% 0 dollars and
Parks, recreation and culture 4.81% 0 dollars and
Parks & Open Spaces
1.84% 0 dollars and
Library Services
1.27% 0 dollars and
Recreation Opportunities
0.93% 0 dollars and
Arts & Culture
0.73% 0 dollars and
City Cemeteries
0.04% 0 dollars and
Corporate Programs 3.9% 0 dollars and
Social programs and services 2.33% 0 dollars and
Affordable Housing
0.99% 0 dollars and
Community Strategies
0.90% 0 dollars and
Social Programs
0.30% 0 dollars and
Neighborhood Support
0.13% 0 dollars and
City Planning and Policy 0.80% 0 dollars and
Building, Planning and Business
2.13% 0 dollars and
Economic Development & Tourism
1.15% 0 dollars and
Appeals and Tribunals
0.08% 0 dollars and
Real Estate
0.08% 0 dollars and
Land Development & Sales
0.02% 0 dollars and
Building Safety
0.08% 0 dollars and
Business Licensing
0.00% 0 dollars and
Development Approvals
0.00% 0 dollars and
Utilities and Environment 0.88% 0 dollars and
Climate and Environmental Management
0.29% 0 dollars and
Urban Forestry
0.40% 0 dollars and
Waste & Recycling
0.19% 0 dollars and
Stormwater Management
0.00% 0 dollars and
Wastewater Collection & Treatment
0.00% 0 dollars and
Water Treatment & Supply
0.00% 0 dollars and
Information and Communication 0.75% 0 dollars and
Citizen Information & Services
0.30% 0 dollars and
Strategic Marketing and Communications
0.24% 0 dollars and
Citizen Engagement & Insights
0.08% 0 dollars and
Records Management, Access & Privacy
0.12% 0 dollars and
Tax and property assessment 0.67% 0 dollars and
Property Assessment
0.54% 0 dollars and
0.14% 0 dollars and



This calculator is for information purposes only. The calculation does not include any penalties, local improvement levies, or outstanding taxes owed from previous years.

The provincial property tax is based on budget decisions made by the Government of Alberta in March.
