Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

Neighbourhood Support plan and budget


Neighbourhood Support builds the capacity of Calgarians to create neighbourhoods that foster social inclusion, economic participation, and sense of belonging. We work to understand and meet the specific needs of neighbourhoods so that no resident or neighbourhood is left behind.  We support community associations and social recreation organizations by contributing funding to activate local spaces and support a variety of local programming to develop social connections among neighbours. By supporting residents and community leaders in navigating and aligning City resources, we increase the social wellbeing of Calgarians.

Our customers

  • Local communities and residents
  • Community associations
  • Social recreation organizations
  • Community and organization leaders

Our partners

  • Community associations
  • Social recreation organizations
  • Grassroots-based neighbourhood organizations
  • Residents for community development work
  • Federation of Calgary Communities
  • United Way of Calgary and area

Value to Calgarians

  • fosters social inclusion, economic participation and sense of belonging through neighbourhoods
  • supports community assications and social recreation organizations by contributing funding toward programming and activation of local spaces
  • increases the social wellbeing of Calgarians by supporting residents and community leaders in navigating and aligning City resources

What we deliver

  • Delivering resources, advocacy and opportunities for residents to increase social inclusion and economic participation
  • Supporting community-led groups by helping to connect them to the resources they need, and build stronger and more skilled community organizations resulting in increased organizational health, programming and community representation.

Budget breakdown

service plan budget


Operating ($millions)
Capital ($millions)
View budget in the year of
2023 service plan budget
Service line Breakdown
Neighbourhood Support

Get a complete breakdown of how your property tax dollars are used.

Service performance

Community social work partners who agree that community social workers effectively address social issues in their neighbourhood

2022 was 94%

CAs and social recreation organizations who feel neighbourhood partnership coordinators positively impact their overall level of functioning

2022 was 91%

Volunteers who agree that their sense of belonging has increased because of volunteering

2022 was 81%

2023 mid-year was 82%

CAs and social recreation organizations operating on City-owned land with a 'low-risk' rating for organizational health

2021 was 94%

2023 mid-year was 95%

Calgarians who agree that 'I am regularly involved in neighbourhood and local community events'

2022 was 27%

What we've heard

Engagement with Calgarians (2021 Fall Survey of Calgarians) shows 93 per cent agree Neighbourhood Support is an important service, 84 per cent agree they are satisfied with Neighbourhood Support, and 94 per cent agree The City should invest more or the same amount in the service. Calgarians ranked the most important value metrics for the service as equity and connectivity. Engagement with our direct customers (2021) has shown 91 per cent of community partners agree community social workers understand the unique social issues of neighbourhoods and 87 per cent agree they effectively address the social issues. 89 per cent of community associations and social recreation organizations “often” or “always” connect with The City through their neighbourhood partnership coordinators. 79 per cent of residents who volunteer agree that their sense of belonging has increased because of volunteering.

Participate and view results of City research

What we're watching

  • The complexity of social issues as well as the number of people and neighbourhoods experiencing vulnerabilities continues to increase in Calgary. Neighbourhood support uses evidence-based tools such as the Calgary Equity Index which identifies neighbourhoods experiencing different levels of social determinants of health. Examples include socioeconomic disparity, civic engagement, access to physical amenities, and healthy lives.
  • We continue to watch and respond to areas of growth including populations of newcomers, seniors and Indigenous people and the diversity of their needs, as well as community growth resulting in new community associations and social recreation organizations in development stages.
  • We continue to monitor a variety of factors of organizational health of community organizations so that we can help them mitigate risks to their operations and sustainability. Factors include asset life-cycle, programming, financial health, staffing, and business planning.

Our initiatives

What we plan to do

We focus on strengthening social connections at the neighbourhood level. We establish effective relationships, strengthen social resiliency, build neighbourhood capacity and align community assets and leverage investments to help create a sense of community pride.

How we're going to get there

  • Increase the social inclusion and economic participation of residents in neighbourhoods experiencing high levels of inequity through intentional community development including neighbourhood assessments and community-led initiatives.
  • Foster vibrant and connected communities by strategically investing in community-based organizations and projects through micro-grants and the Inspiring Neighbourhoods Grant.
  • Engage with community partners to help address and meet the changing needs of their residents by providing information, advice, and support in navigating City and community resources.
  • Increase the financial health and organizational resilience of community associations and social recreation organizations by providing in-depth and tailored guidance to strengthen their structure and processes, as well as overseeing compliance of the conditions within the lease or license of occupation.
  • Improve a sense of community belonging and safety by supporting and advocating the activation of safe and inclusive spaces in collaboration with community residents, and internal and external partners.

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