Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information


Racially equitable programs, services, policies, and systems

Developing and implementing frameworks of City services, public order, public peace, and dignity.

Systemic changes that impact:

  • Community

    • Co-develop and implement accountability frameworks of City services with interested parties.

    • Co-create and pilot a 311 anti-racism service request.

    • Increase awareness of City services and community opportunities through non-traditional approaches and integrate more language translation.

  • Employees

    • Conduct a City of Calgary racial equity assessment of programs, services, policies, strategies, and processes.

    • Develop an anti-racism policy review tool and process.

    • Develop and integrate a racial equity impact assessment tool.

  • Public safety, dignity, order & peace for community and employees

    • Co-develop and implement public safety service delivery that promotes public order, public peace, and public dignity.

    • Create practices and guidelines to support racially equitable and fair protection for public safety enforcers, first responders, social service providers, and members of the public.

    • Co-design policies, bylaws, and procedures that promote hate-free environments.

  • Desired result

    • Racially equitable programs, services, policies, and systems.
