Resources for FCSS-funded organizations
This page provides easy access to application, reporting and related resources needed by organizations for their FCSS-funded programs.
Evaluation Framework and Reporting Training Sessions
FCSS Calgary follows an adapted collective impact approach. A training session was recorded to provide information about our evaluation framework and what drives this approach.
- View the FCSS Calgary Evaluation Framework session here. The slides for this session can also be downloaded.
The second training session recorded provides a more detailed overview of the different reporting components of our collective impact approach, including theories of change, year end reporting, indicator surveys, and data sharing events.
- View the FCSS Calgary Evaluation Reporting Session here. The slides for this session can also be downloaded.
Note, it is highly recommended to view these sessions in order as the evaluation framework session provides foundational information to the reporting session.
Reporting Overview
- FCSS-funded organizations must submit annual year-end reports on the Funding Information Management System (FIMS) database. Report types depend on the nature of the funded program or initiative (e.g. Increasing Social Inclusion, Policy or Systems Change, or Community Development for Strengthening Neighborhoods). See below for some examples of year end reports:
- For Social inclusion programs: All organizations funded for increasing social inclusion programs must complete a program year-end report and must also use the FCSS Social Inclusion Indicators (FSII) surveys for pre- and post-testing of program participants.
- FSII data reporting: All FCSS-funded organizations that report on FSII are contractually required to collect and enter FSII data on an ongoing basis. The indicator surveys selected for a program are based on the strategies and rationale identified to achieve the program goal. Organizations that are signing a contract with FCSS for the first time will receive assistance to select indicator surveys and access to the FSII online database.
All organizations that receive FCSS funding are required to submit:
- An annual unaudited program financial statement, due March 1st, showing revenues and expenses of program funds in the previous calendar year (January 1 to December 31) signed by two officers of the organization with signing authority; and
- An annual audited organizational financial statement for all operations of the organization, due three months after its fiscal year-end.
Programs that receive over $250 000 per program annually, will also be required to submit:
- An audited program financial statement showing revenues and expenses of program funds in the previous calendar year (January 1 to December 31), due three months after the organization’s fiscal year-end.
Failure to meet the financial reporting requirements may result in termination of the funding agreement and impact future funding eligibility.
The FCSS Financial Reporting Overview presentation provides a detailed review of the FCSS financial reporting requirements. (Please note: Changes were made to the financial reporting requirement in November 2023 after this presentation was recorded. Audited program financial statements showing revenue and expenses of program funds are now required for annual funding over $250,000)
Organizations receiving FCSS funding are required to work with their Partnership Specialist to select the most suitable indicators to measure their program impact. The selected indicators are then added to the program’s Theory of Change.
A list of all the possible indicators to measure social inclusion outcomes used by FCSS is contained in the FSII All Surveys list below, along with other useful outcome measurement resources.
Most FSII survey questions have been drawn from standardized surveys used to measure specific outcomes. The FSII system can be accessed from this link.
- FSII Data Entry Training this training will help you learn how enter data into the FSII system.
- FSII Data Entry Training Slides
- Survey Question Sources provides survey sources.
- The FSII Info Sheet – How Data are Used provides more information on how the data is used and collected by the FCSS program.
- FSII – All Surveys
- Indigenous Healing and Wellbeing Surveys Companion Document includes a description and more context to each survey.
- FSII Surveys - PDF Fillable Forms
- The FSII User Manual outlines the steps needed to register as an FSII user. It also provides detailed examples of how to enter and analyze data in the FSII system.
- FSII FAQ provides more information on technical and user issues.
- Client Tracking Sheet - A tool to help track the client data entered into the FSII system.
All organizations approved by City Council for program funding are required to sign an FCSS Funding Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms of the contract between the organization and FCSS Calgary.