How to prepare for the Youth Hiring Fair

Here's are some steps to help prepare for your visit to the Youth Hiring Fair:

  • Decide what type of job you are looking for – summer or longer-term?
  • Know when you are available to work.
    • What hours and days during the week are you able to work?
    • Are you available for the summer?
    • What date are you able to start working?
  • How will you get to work?
    • Public transit?
    • Car?
    • Parking?
  • Review what employers are attending the Fair and make a list of employers that you want to talk to and research them before the fair. 
    • Check out the company website for more information and try to find the job posting, so that you know what the employer is looking for in their employees.
  • Prepare an elevator pitch to introduce yourself to employers. If you have done your research on which employer’s you want to talk to, you should have at least one reason prepared on why you want to work for their company. Creating an elevator pitch for the Youth Hiring Fair
  • At the Hiring Fair, you can obtain a map of the booths so that you can find all the employers you are targeting.
  • After the fair make sure to follow up with employers and with your employment counsellor. Check your email regularly.

Tips for Natural Supports attending the Youth Hiring Fair

  1. Support your job seeker from afar.

  2. Avoid speaking to employers on behalf of your youth and let them approach each employer booth on their own.

  3. Review the employer list with your job seeker while standing in line. Help them develop a game plan on which employers they would like to speak to.

  4. While waiting in line, support job seekers by visiting employers’ websites to learn more about each company.

  5. Review your job seeker's resume with them prior to entering the Hiring Fair. It's completely acceptable to help your job seeker write their resume, but youth need to know what's on their resume.

  6. Help your job seeker relax by keeping the conversation light. Job seekers will have more success speaking to employers when they don’t feel pressured or coaxed to land a job.

Visit the Youth Employment Centre

For more information on how to prepare for the Youth Hiring Fair please come to the Youth Employment Centre and speak to an employment counsellor.

The YEC is open to drop-ins: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (closed statutory holidays). Registration is not available between 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. But the computer lab and other resources are still available during this time.

Location: Alberta Trade Centre, 2nd floor, 315 10 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2G 0W2

Phone: 403-268-2490
