Using your black cart
Your black cart is a safer, cleaner and more efficient way to take out the trash. Only items that have reached the end of their useful life should go in the garbage.
Make sure your materials are not packed in too tightly into the bin or they will not fall out of the cart during pickup. Only put out your carts as needed on pickup days.
What time does the City pick up garbage?
Set out your cart by 7 a.m. on your collection day and no earlier than 7 p.m. the evening before, and properly place your cart.
What can go in the garbage?
- See what items can go in your Black Cart
- See what items cannot go in your Black Cart
You can also search What Goes Where for a complete list of disposal and recycling options.
Print guides for Black Carts
Will you collect extra bags?
Your black cart can hold three to four standard-sized garbage bags (66 cm x 91 cm).
If your black cart is full and you have extra bags of garbage that will not fit, you will need to buy tags to put on extra garbage bags for pickup.
- Fill your black cart first - it can hold three or four bags of garbage.
- Place extra garbage in a bag, tie closed and wrap a tag around the knot.
- On collection day, place tagged garbage bags 0.5 m (2 ft) to the side of your black cart.
- Store extra bags on your property until pickup day. To avoid pests, keep in a garage/shed or a separate container like a Rubbermaid bin.
- Make sure your bags are not too heavy. If you can lift the bag with one hand, it's okay.
- Do not approach the driver when you see the garbage truck coming. Make sure your carts are out for 7 a.m. on your collection day.
- Alternatively, ask your neighbours if they have space for extra bags in their carts.
Please help keep your driver safe by making sure to fill the cart as much as possible before leaving extra bags out. It's ok if the lid is slightly ajar.
Do I need to bag my garbage?
Make sure your garbage is not packed in too tightly or it will not fall out of the cart during pickup.
Extra garbage tags are for bagged garbage only. Do not leave unbagged items outside of your black cart.
You can choose to bag your garbage before placing it in the cart, with these exceptions:
Sharp objects
Wrap and place in puncture-proof containers.
Powders, dust and animal waste
Double-bag the bags and tie them.
Street sweepings
Put gravel, dust, rocks and other debris into a garbage bag. Double-bag and make sure it is under the 20kg (45 pound) weight limit.
Grass clippings and yard waste
Grass clippings and yard waste must be put in the green cart or in paper yard waste bags. Yard waste set out in plastic bags will not be collected.