Privacy Framework
In response to the April 29, 2019, Notice of Motion, City of Calgary Citizen Privacy Data Practices (C2019-0590), The City of Calgary (“The City”) will be developing a strategic Privacy Framework. The City believes that the public should have access to meaningful information about our Privacy Management Program, including our internal governance and personal information handling practices, in order to create greater awareness and transparency.
The City’s Privacy Framework reflects The City’s commitment to achieve compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP Act”) of Alberta, earn and maintain public trust by exceeding privacy requirements and be transparent about our internal organizational and governance structures. This Privacy Framework will set out our Privacy Management Program, and will provide information about our core practices related to collection, use, disclosure, and retention of personal information, including various processes, tools and standards.
Project work
Develop and implement a privacy framework
Develop a visible, accessible and overarching strategic Privacy Framework associated with digital infrastructure (‘Smart Cities’).
Develop and implement a public research campaign to seek opinions on and validate the draft privacy vision and principles, as well as the future direction for the Privacy Management Program of The City. The City will be conducting research this Fall that will inform the development and implementation of City privacy tools to communicate more effectively about The City’s privacy practices.
Procure professional services of an external privacy expert
The City secured the services of Cenera to conduct an audit of the current and future privacy practices at The City. The audit by Cenera will provide a privacy gap analysis of The City’s current privacy practices and inform the development and implementation of The City’s future privacy tools.
Directory of personal information banks implementation
Develop and launch an electronic Directory of Personal Information Banks at The City to provide the public with information about the type of personal information collected, used and disclosed.
Develop and implement digital tools for personal information banks and privacy impact assessments
Creation and implementation of digital tools that assist with tracking, managing, and reporting City services and projects involving personal information collection, use and disclosure.
Privacy framework 2019-2021 workplan
Privacy Framework 2019-2021 Workplan (PDF) - as adopted by Council during the Strategic Meeting of Council on 2020 January 27 (C2020-0039)

2019 April 29: Council adopted Notice of Motion (C2019-0560), City of Calgary Citizen Privacy Data Practices, for Administration to:
- a. provide an analysis of The City’s current privacy practices; and
- b. develop a visible, accessible and overarching strategic Privacy Framework associated with digital infrastructure (‘Smart Cities’) and a Workplan for implementation for Council consideration.
Q2-Q4 2019: The City Clerk’s Office – Access and Privacy section:
- developed a Privacy Framework 2019-2021 Workplan;
- developed an analysis of The City’s current Privacy Practices;
- developed draft Privacy Principles and a Privacy Vision for The City; and
- conducted a municipal scan on the merits of a Chief Privacy Officer.
2020 January 27:
- Council adopted The City of Calgary Privacy Data Practices report (C2020-0039) recommendations by: i) approving the Privacy Framework 2019-2021 Workplan; and ii) directing the City Clerk/FOIP Head to provide an annual report to the Priorities and Finance Committee on The City’s Privacy Management Program.
- Council adopted The City of Calgary Citizen Privacy Data Practices Council Innovation Fund Application (PFC2020-0110) to secure the services of an external privacy expert to conduct an audit of the current and future privacy practices at The City of Calgary and to develop and implement a city-wide public engagement campaign with citizens, privacy experts and organizations.
2020 August: Onboarding of external privacy expert, Cenera, to conduct an audit of the current and future privacy practices at The City.
2020 September: Completion of the Privacy Impact Assessment for citizen engagement and research.
2020 September-October: The City Clerk’s Office – Access and Privacy section to launch a public engagement campaign for citizens, and City of Calgary employees.
2020 December: The City Clerk’s Office – Access and Privacy section to launch digital tools to manage, report, and track Personal Information Banks and Privacy Impact Assessments through Content Server.
Q1 2021: The City Clerk’s Office – Access and Privacy section will:
- provide a “What We Heard, What We Did” report to Council on the outcomes of the Notice of Motion (C2019-0560) Privacy Framework 2019-2021 Workplan deliverables; and
- provide an annual report to the Priorities and Finance Committee on The City’s Privacy Management Program.
Q2 2021: The City Clerk’s Office – Access and Privacy section to develop an awareness and implementation plan for the Privacy Framework based on the “What We Heard” report
Contact information
For privacy framework project inquiries, please contact the City Clerk’s Office - Access and Privacy section:
Call: 403-476-4102
Media inquiries, call: 403-828-2954
Related links
For additional information, please visit Information Access and Privacy.